Why do people take rohypnol?

     Well like many drugs rohypnol is addictive. Your body gets use to you consuming the drug and gets a habit of taking it which is hard to get out of. Though rohypnol is illegal in the United States & Canada it is still sold at pharmacy's across sixty countries. As mention in Legal Issues. Rohypnol is a sedative at helps people to become sleepy. So some people may use it as a sleeping pill. Though if you take an over dose your body will automatically shut down. If you take rohypnol as a sleeping pill I suggest trying to sleep naturally or read before going to sleep, as reading slows you down so it is easier to go to sleep. Also rohypnol reduces anxiety or stress while depressing your central nervous system. Some people use it to relieve stress. If you use rohypnol for the purpose to help you with your stress I suggest seeking professional help. Contact your doctor instead of using rohypnol.